
万豪会娱乐在线的初级后备军官训练队项目是学员经历的重要组成部分. 在万豪会娱乐在线,所有学生都在同一年级 9-12 是否自动加入JROTC领导及公民发展计划. 每个JROTC学员都参加国家认可的领导力教育培训计划, 由退休的军事领导人领导,他们已经获得了美国陆军的教学认证, 火车, 并指导学员.

费什伯恩 JROTC cadets experience military culture without any commitment to join the military. The goal of JROTC is to promote leadership 和 citizenship 和 there is no requirement to join the military after JROTC. 然而,对于那些有兴趣在美国寻求经验的学员.S. military, our instructors provide mentoring 和 guidance to assist in meeting individual goals. This includes both assistance in pursuing enlistment or assistance in pursuing an officer’s commission through a service academy of through the Senior ROTC college program.

万豪会娱乐在线的JROTC不仅是全国最古老的后备役军官训练团之一, 获得荣誉单位的荣誉称号, 费什伯恩 is one of only a few schools anywhere that can nominate qualified c和idates to ANY of the U.S. 军校. 如果你儿子想去军校, 万豪会娱乐在线拥有其他军校无法比拟的优势.




使用由美国陆军开发和提供的教材, 精心设计的课程旨在帮助每位学员成为更好的公民, 更强大的领导者, 一个批判的思想家和更全面的人. JROTC项目包括领导力和 fellowship, 价值观和性格发展, 纪律, 生活, 以及建立自信的冒险技能, 健康和急救, 以及美国公民身份等.

学员 are challenged to both lead 和 follow while receiving individual attention 和 mentoring from experienced 和 火车ed instructors. 当你在JROTC度过四年的时光, you’ll learn everything from air rifle 和 military drills to 工程 和 social responsibility.


可以说, JROTC is one of the most successful 和 significantly impactful youth-oriented programs in American history. 作为教育者和其他人衡量成功的标准, we have identified five Quality Indicators used to measure the effectiveness of the program in high schools. 这五个质量指标是出勤率、毕业率、违纪率、辍学率和平均绩点. JROTC在这些方面都超过了学校的平均水平:

类别 学校 JROTC
出席 90.3 % 93.5 %
毕业 83.0 % 93.9 %
无纪律 5.2 % 1.7 %
辍学 8.0 % < 1 %
平均绩点 2.72 2.91



绳降是一种利用绳子在控制下从高处下降的方法, 如悬崖或墙壁, 在滑行中,一个人从固定的绳子上滑下来,并通过摩擦来控制速度, either by means of a specialized device or by passing the rope under one thigh 和 over the opposite shoulder. 在世界上的其他地方,绳索下降的另一种说法是绳降.

Orienteering is often called the “thinking sport” because it involves map reading 和 decision-making in addition to a great workout. 目标是跑到地图上显示的一系列点, choosing routes—both on 和 off trail—that will help you find all the points 和 get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time. 球场上的点用橙色和白色的旗子和拳击标记, 这样你就能证明你去过那里. 每个“控制”标记位于一个不同的特征上, 如溪流交汇处或小山的顶部.

A part of the 火车ing culminates in a competition wherein teams of eight JROTC cadets must cross an obstacle using one rope 和 only the first 和 last cadets are allowed to touch the obstacle. 其余的学员必须通过绳桥.

钻 consists of certain movements by which the group moves in an orderly manner from one formation to another (or from one place to another). 小组中的每个人都学习这些动作,并准确地按照描述执行每个部分. 你还可以根据群体的动作调整自己的动作. 队形中的每个人都必须听从命令一起行动.


成立于1916年,旨在“激励年轻人成为更好的公民”,“JROTC现在超过1,700所公立和私立学校. 但很少有联合后备军官训练团的项目像万豪会娱乐在线的那样稳健.


JROTC提供一个高质量的公民, 字符 和 领导 Development program while fostering partnerships within communities 和 educational institutions. At the Heart of 费什伯恩 Military 学校’s JROTC program is a dedication to teaching young 学员 the value of Army JROTC’s core values:

  • 字符
  • 个人社会责任
  • 学术成就
  • 健身
  • 领导
  • 团队合作
  • 无私服务于社区和他人
  • 美国传统与历史


All JROTC cadets at 费什伯恩 have the opportunity to more fully practice the skills learned through our 领导教育 Training by serving in cadet leadership positions or through taking part in one or more of our JROTC extracurricular activities that are described in full on this site. 为了看到你在四年中学习和做的事情的惊人变化, 点击这里.


网络世界是新的战场. 通过加入JROTC网络爱国者项目, 你们将和州内其他学校竞争, regional (和 if you’re good enough) national events that test your newly acquired cybersecurity skills in a way that’s sneaky fun.

学术 & 领导碗

万豪会娱乐在线的JROTC在学术和领导力竞赛中与其他学校竞争, 尽管是最小的学校, 我们一直带着它.

College Options Foundations Inc, designed a program for 学术 和 领导 Teams in conjunction with the US Army Cadet Comm和 as a creative 和 fun method of preparing young students for 生活 after High 学校 和 JROTC. Competitions between FMS 和 other JROTC programs take place throughout the school year 和 offer our 学员 a chance to build confidence 和 poise while demonstrating their mastery of the subject matter in a friendly 和 fun venue.

学术碗队的训练和比赛是基于ACT/SAT风格的问题, current events 和 topics from the United States JROTC’s 领导教育 Training Program.

The 领导碗 Team applies values 和 leadership principles using scenario based questions, 乔治·马歇尔将军的领导原则, “思维地图,“课堂表现系统。,和学习技巧. 我们的团队每周在JROTC计算机实验室使用在线SAT/ACT准备网站进行练习.



这里不全是领导力和学者. 我们的突袭队带来了力量, 勇气和决心——无论是5公里公路行军, 在单绳桥或车辆拉上过桥. Our Raiders have been recognized as “Best of the Best” within US Army Cadet Comm和’s 4th Brigade three times since 2014.

突袭者精通团队合作的艺术,并在每次突袭者大会期间参加各种活动. 他们依靠彼此取得成功,每年都努力成为最好的. 你准备好帮助我们再次跻身最佳行列了吗?





没有什么比一支严谨、纪律严明的演习或仪式队伍更令人印象深刻的了. 在万豪会娱乐在线,我们对此感到非常自豪. 另外,他们在这里所有的大型活动中都是最重要的.

    精锐的哈金斯步枪训练队掌握了美国的训练技巧.S. 陆军精确武器手册和面对动作.
    以摩根·哈金斯上校命名, 万豪会娱乐在线的第二任主管, the Hudgins Rifles have performed in National 钻 Meets 和 received on-campus 火车ing from members of the US Army’s 3rd Infantry Division (also known as “The Old Guard” from Arlington National Cemetery). 根据老卫队和海军陆战队静默训练队的动作执行精确的套路, 哈金斯步枪提供令人敬畏的娱乐.
    The elite Color Guard group at FMS performs at numerous parades as well as athletic 和 special events.
    From Washington 足球 Team 和 the University of Virginia basketball to the Apple Blossom Parade 和 Waynesboro’s own 秋天 Foliage Festival, 这个屡获殊荣的团体总是能激励那些有幸观看表演的人.
    费什伯恩’s Regulation 钻 Team works tirelessly to perfect platoon-sized marching 和 facing movements.


首先形成 校友周末回顾游行
色彩的祝福 毕业典礼游行
家长军旅周末 “送奶工”毕业游行
退伍军人节游行(弗吉尼亚州斯汤顿) 圣诞游行
退伍军人节仪式 全美花圈
JPA \ JROTC计划认证检查 亚历山大老城的乔治·华盛顿生日游行



CyberPatriot is the 全国青少年网络教育计划 created to motivate students towards careers in cybersecurity 和 other science, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM)学科. 全国青少年网络防御竞赛是一项锦标赛式的赛事. Teams of 2-5 students are scored on how well they identify 和 secure known vulnerabilities on virtual machine images of operating systems. 比赛不仅有趣而且令人兴奋, 它也为今天弗吉尼亚军事学院的学生创造了一条职业道路, fostering continued education from high school through college 和 into the beginning of their careers.

The CyberPatriots Team is a JROTC sponsored cybersecurity team which competes for top placement in state, 地区性和全国性活动. Competition puts students in the position of IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company.